Friday, November 25, 2005
2:57 AM

it's been sometime since my last entry...

One month n it's
" Joy to the world.. the LORD hasth come..."

Both my sis n mum going on Holi-y to HOngkong (my dream Holiday.. ARgh!) this christmas season...
Haiz... I wanna Go with Them!! SHopping, Food, more shoopping n MOre food...
Woo.. Remember to miss me when u guys r there kZ... ( i guess they will be soo engaged in the dilemma of wat they should buy, wat if i findd something simiar n cheaper elsewhere.. or should i wait till lastmin then do the all shoopping.. or is wat i buy neceesary or essential.. wat so many things to consider... ( haha, i kbnow coz dat's wat i wnet thru when i went to Bangkok last August..) WOohoo.. BAngkok .. i will be back soonz k...give me some time to recuperate from the August Shopping haha...

Christmas is comin.. HAllelujah!
It's time of feasting, GIfts, carolling, Presents n Not forgetting... the time to win the Lost (not saying tat we only reach out during christmas.. but for this season's reason, all the more we should reach Out ya)
Jesus is really the reason for this season.. he Came to earth, crucified. was buried n rose the third day all for One reason.. N THAT is his love for all men, he yearns for all men to be drawn back to him...for the salvation of all MEn...

Jesus came n died to remove the veil that separated us from the presence of God...
this is so that we can have an go within the veil to know HImm, to have a experiential relationship.. where we have the first hand touch n encounters with him... experiencing God in the most intimate way ...(like when u enter into tHe Holy of Holies, where the shekinah Glory of God Lit up the whole room... n the only thing to attract U is God, Him n HIm alone coz there's nothing inside, no furniture, no light,complete darkness)

I pray that i'll always carry the passion that Moses had HIs Presence..
remember the children of Israel.. they r frickle-minded, easily swayed, emotional ...

OK let me present it in POint form (for easy n clearer understanding)
(take time to read Folks, if dere's any... i pray that u'll be bless by it...)

  • a 100 yrs ago, Israel wept for GOd's deliverance. Then God appeared to Moses n gave HIs word.. the Children of Israel was soon convinced that the LORD has sent Moses and Aaron to be their deliverer… <.. they realized dat the Lord had seen their misery and… all bowed their heads and worshiped, Ex 4:31> Their hearts overflow wif awe and joy.. they do nothing but Praise God in worship and thanksgiving... However, when Moses approach and meets The Pharaoh, this Pharaoh is not at all impressed with This Word... He Scorns @ Moses n even increases their hardships with Brutal workloads that they can hardly bear with... Pay attention here..dere was a total change of attitude here they (e children of Israel) immediately got upset n rail harshly @ MOses, become disheartened n frustrated with MOses..

yet over n overtime again God In his Mercy still delivers them...

  • Once out of Egypt.. God directs MOses to lead the whole gang of them to the shores of the REd sea .. they look back n realise that the armies of Pharaoh is catching up on them... and GUess what they do here.. as u know.. they complained, whined, lashed out at Moses... " won't it be better for us to still stay in graves in Eygpt? wanna us to die in the wilderness, they even said this.. it would have been better for us to serve the Eygptians than for ur to die inthe wilderness ( translated by me.. hee)"

see the attitude here.. when things r not going on right, they complained, whined like little immature children, mummured agst MOses.. Their own selfish reasons overrode with their desire to fulfill God'd own will.... they were consumed with a love for their own lives.. n lacked the BUrning desire to Know N seek God's heart ....

Once again God is merciful .. he splits the red sea.. n bring them to the Dry ground.. with the rest of the armies buried under the mighty waters of e Red sea...As u know, the children of Israel cheered, rejoiced n praised and danced B4 God.. guess wat all these r short lived!! a few days later, when they realized that h20 was scarce, the supplies of food was slowly diminishing.. they once again Bitterly complain n whined.... " Back in Eygpt.. we had pots of meat n bread to eat to out fullest .. here where u have brought us to ... the wilderness has nothing.. u wanna kill this whole assembl ewith HUnger... (own translation by me)..see ...these pple here are only happy and thankful when things are going on well for them .. they get wat they want,but get unhappy when things r not going well for them... They elevate their own desires Over His Heart n purpose...

Oh.. u know wat happen.. God got FED up...n tells MOses..translated n shorten by me.. but the gist is there ya.." i would give you this land.. i will send an angel b4 u ...But i will not be with you for u r a stubborn, unruly pple..." ( Ex33:1-3)

God told Moses that he would lead the pple into the promised land...he would even send a angel to guide, protect n drive enemies off BUt his Presence Was not going along...

take note MOses Response...

he said," If your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here." ( Ex33.15)

MOses values the presence of God more than any thing else in his life.. take note of the " here" high-lighted in green.. remember where they r at ... In the wilderness... wilderness speaks of a place of lack , hardships, sufferings, trials, challenges... MOses chooses n elevate the presence of God Above all his comfort n pleasures... Moses declares that he would rather have the presence Of God in a place where there in much to bear .. than be in a envionment,place full of honey and milk but Void of his presence...

Oh..let this be the heart cry of all our hearts.. Let's yearn for a tangible presence oF God more than we ever had ... Let's prized the intimacy of God Above Hid blessings and treasures.. let's Love God for Who he is ...

Woo..long entry .. a revelation that i gotten thru the wk.. wanna pen it down to always remember this heavenly touch froom Heaven I pray that this somehow blesses whoever reads it...Let's make a commitment to Love God wholeheartedly in wat ever situation we are at ..

Be Bless

god loves ya

About Me
I Like: God,the BBrs, the Leows, living the GOOD life that God has PLanned for me, doing things at my own time and pace :),plenty of rest, shopping and chilling out,
Peanut pancake, seeing children realizing their potential and maximising it.
I DON'T like: to waaste time doing nothing, doing unfruitful and meaningless things

The BarBARians
BayBay Jeremy
Cat roll!
Cheryl the siao
< Emily- Milly cow
Lokies- BLurp!


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