Tuesday, February 13, 2007
6:37 PM

i have moved to

see ya ;)

god loves ya

Monday, February 05, 2007
2:17 PM

entering into the Second month of the year.
BAmmm. time really flies.

BUt a Fruitful Jan I had. :)

Faith- a channel thru which one sees the possibilities without it yet being seen.
Faith an essential element in this walk.
if you don try it, you will nevr know and experience the thrill of LIving By faith.

we may nt always see the effects of OUr Faith But We can be really sure that God Honors faithfulness. :)


god loves ya

Saturday, January 06, 2007
10:01 AM

A new year has begin.
God, you created the heavens and earth.
you put in me a new heart, a new day n a new hope.

2006 is a bUSY year for me. there was a little too much on my plate. But by HIs Grace, I made it through. YEah! and here's 2007.

Graduated from SIM. woo 2 years gone
leaving no trails of prints..
gone with the wind.... Whhhoooooshhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
Oh no.. I'm 22 this year.....

2007, I teelll u I welcome you with arms wide open.
so much to do this year.
so much to accomplish and attain
a year of MOre n great breakthrus.

it's so amazing to look back 2006 and see how God led me thru last year with the theme on the Fear of the Lord.. was going thru some issues in my life. almost made a deadly and unrighteous move. but God is a Good God. He reminded me of my theme last year and that's the fear of the Lord. it's amazing to look back and see how He uses people, situations and the things in life to remind me of the theme that i made with HIm in Jan 2006. I thank God, for this point of reference that i can always run to and make sure that i'm on the right track.

sometimes one may be in a situation where we r in wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. being tossed up and down and juz can't keep things steady or in control. everything is spinning Out of control. u know not where to turn to
or be blown apart by the issues, trials n challenges in life
and may even end up nt knowing wat to do or can't seems to make any decision or should i say the right and appropriate decision.
Emotions, feelings set in and blurred the ability of one making the appropriate and BEST decision.
the supposingly right verdict may be comforting and calming for the soul. But the aftermath of making that conclusion may be too much to bear.

God is my point of reference.

I am thankful for his Grace and for the friends that he has placed in my life. i thank God For his protection and especially for the friends whom Love and Protect me thru prayers....

God send a really good friend in my life.
and I'm forever grateful and thankful to HIm for this special friend He has sent. Thank You for always being there.

received a revelation frm God.
in Matt 5:23-24
"Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift"

a word so easily said
but hard to do.

Grace n ur intervention to take place, i pray.

god loves ya

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
12:20 AM

a challenging NOV

it was that conviction that faith that strengthened me.

words can indeed get fiery and so intense that it becomes combative.
bitterness resentment found its place almost immediately.
in a fit of anger,
any words that proceed from the mouth sounds disgusting and awfully ridiculous. UGLY!

"out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

BUt it' s in the fit of anger.

i can;t quite figure it out.

Yet in my heart, i know ...
i will forgive.

seriously, i still can't quite comprehend why did it happen?
why a few days b4 my exams?
why a few Days B4 A&B?
why at such a time?

YOu mean there's not enough of things on my PLate. I asked.
SChool - exams! Finances burden. serving in His kingdom- God leads me to my calling
Anticipating about the future - what's next ? FAmily - the yet unresolved presecution frm HOme.
It's so much better for me now. Hallelujah! PTL. BUt it's starting all over again for my sis.
MY poor Left Leg - "I'm a AH ma now" ........

what's happening!!
God Help me!

In that abyss of despair, i prayed.
God help me!
I dialled God's Hotline :
"Call to me and I'll answer you."

there will surely come one day where you will find urself in a situation where
Your parents can;t be there to protect and shield you from the ugliness n realities of this world
your friends can't be there for you
you are left all alone to stand up for yourself

Am i alone?
I'm Not!

God is omnipresent.
I believe.
His spirit dwells with me.
"I know him, for he dwells with me and will be in me."

Father, you are always here with me
you never let me walk through the raging waters without first calming it.
i shall not be scorched nor be burned by the flames when i walk through Fire.
I'm yours.
You have redeemed me. And called me by my name.
I'm YOurs.
revised and edited by me

i thank God for the friends that he has placed in my life
especially Chicken who is always there for me.
thanx so much for all ya prayers and advices.
I thank God i found you.

I may not know why n why n why n why n why n why n why
n Still WHYWHY.......... WHy Ah...
the ocuurences of such event took pplace.

But i do know and believe that
" All things work together good for those who love GOD."

what that matters most is that I kNow
I love God. n HE loves me.
hewill never leave nor forake me

"Jesus LOver Of my soul....
Though my world may fall
I will Never let you GO."

I love you.

god loves ya

Monday, November 06, 2006
10:54 PM

I''m on my way home
back to a place where love never fails
a place where i can find you
to tell you all my secrets
your love falls

I'm going back to the start
going to the place where i first found you
a place to be whole again
your love falls

your love falls
your love reigns in my heart

A soft touch of your love
Touch me Lord forever
Tears stream down as i pray
holding onto your promise, your promise

I love you.

god loves ya

10:43 PM

Running the race that has already been won.

Dare to run

"The road ahead is narrow
The way is sometimes steep
And only the commited claim the prize

BUt standing at the finish
with arms ourstretched to greet us
Is one who had ENDURED the race
and paid the final prize

Dare to run
With our eyes fixed on JEsus
Following the footsteps
Of the one who's gone B4 us

Dare to run
with power Of HIs spirit
Called to be Victors of the Race Already WON

god loves ya

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
8:31 PM

start with my bdae first

these pple touched my heart that day.
they sang for me.

my sweetie pie- carol
thank you for giving me the opportunity to step into your life. thank you for being so willing to share with me your life. I Love You carol. I believe in You.
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the siao cheryl - the girl who always refuse to take pics. thank you girl for coming down.
Believing with you for your breakthru. Jia you!
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Lokies- Lock Keys
Woo! You rocks. Your passion and fire for God provokes me.
I wanna LOve God More than You do. haha! let's go deeper in our walk with God.
( the spokes person of Super brand chicken flavour maggie mee)
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The singers for the NIght - How could i Live WIthout You!
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W363 - these pple ROX.
thank you for adding so much of JOY, LAUGHTErs, SIAoness in my life.
Let's keep walking in the will of GOd. Rock the world for Jesus!
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my ex ex-cg- E285
Thank YOu for the love, friendship and Fun u pple have left in my life
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My ex cg- N127
Thank YOu too. Jesus Rocks!
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my Jc classmates -
" North south East West whose the BEst. SR SR is the best!"
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My cradle staff - Thank you for loving me. thank YOU! MY cradle Rocks!
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my Odac Peeps -
( Thank you GUys for coming, really appreciate it)
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My family - Presenting the LEows. thank you for these 21 years of tolerance , Patience, LOve, Care.
ever tolerating my nonsense n Loving me for who I am.

I Love Papa, MAMa, Bro, emily, Huili and ah FAng!
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MY fellow BBrs - time to mark attendance! who is not here?
you pple made me realise the true essence of friendship.
real, genuine friends do exist in the world today.
You pple brought the BBrness in me.
We found GOd together! woohoo.
Rock ON FOr CHrist!
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the seow family - thank you for receiving me like a family member of your own. thank you for the numerous prayers and care you have showered Upon my life. never fail to keep me in prayers. I thank God whenever Your came to my mind. i will Jia you in my walk with God!
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the leaders in my life - Thank YOu duncan, vivien n kelvin for gracing this party with your presence
(from 291006, no addressing of " bros" and " sis").
thank you for all the encouragements n faith you pple have in me.
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there's more to come manz.
wait ok!

god loves ya

5:34 PM

woo. took sooooooo many photos this month.
No time to upload.
thousand of apologies to those r waiting for the pics.
wait OK!!
exercise the fruit of the spirit ya.

first week: chicken's bdae n proj
2nd week: MY Birthday woo hoo!! n proj
3rd Week: euwin n roland's bdae, jieying's papa n jiexin's bdae, sch's full dress rehearsal n proj
4th week: vivacious! n NO more PRoj!! PTL!

n Halloween! woohoo!

will be uploading it real soonz manz..
stay tuned...

god loves ya

Sunday, September 17, 2006
9:11 PM

"now faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of the things not seen."

woo the verse on my Blog.

believing in evolution theory is ABsurb!! how can!! My goodness!!!

Science contradicts the existence of GOD??!!

Darwin's theory = a theory that explains how simple life forms could develop over long period of time into increasingly complex creatures.. But it ignores the important issue of How life arose in the first place.

So how life evolves?
then how these miro- macro ... organisms evolve?
God created them?

so many evidence or should i say scientific evidence points towards the existence of the Intelligent Designer= GOd.
and yet pple still believes that life could emerge purely through natural chemical process ( my gosh!) and that there isn't a need for GOd.

SO in the first place
how did the chemical reactions happen?
how did the chemicals come about?
why did it happen?
who causes it to happen?
so wat if there's Loud BANG!!
who made that bang?
doesn't make sense that there is this someone who cause this loud bang

I think people these pple who believe that life / the world emerged naturalistically simply need to have much more FAITH then people who resonably infer that there's A INTELLIgent Designer = GOD. manz..

aiyo recently been challenged by quite a few pple on the issue of science contradicting God..
So did a little read up on these topic
and Praise to God..
after the readings, i'm even more convinced
tat MY God exists.
and He's the creator of the heavens and earth.

afterall, i concluded,
it;s always one's own choice to choose whether they want to believe or not.
to believe means to have faith.
and faith is a choice.
it's given as an option by GOd's grace.
My God is a gracious God. He doesn't force anyone into believing HIm.
He gives an OPtion. an choice.

in Hebrews, it says FAith is the evidence of things not seen.
When one can see and touch certain evidence of things, then one need not FAIth.
faith through empirical evidence is not faith.
faith is simply what the bible says..
evidence of the things NOt seen.

one can be showed how various strands of evidence point towards God.
and the existence of unknown possibility still do exists.

remember that in <> the bible says

" The secret things belong to the LOrd Our God, But those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law."

God has His own reasons for not subjecting himself to having proof - like us being able to touch and see Him.
like how i can;t see wind and sounds.
i also can;t see God.

But I really do feel and experience HIm in my life like how i felt and experienced wind and sound.

my God is a gracious. He gives CHoice; options.
He leaves rooms for Us to make a choice by taking a step of faith to believe in HIm.

I Believe in GOD.
I believe He's the CReator of the Heaven and Earth.
I believe that I'm HIS Beautiful creation made IN HIs wonderful IMage.

What abt u ??

God rocks

god loves ya

About Me
I Like: God,the BBrs, the Leows, living the GOOD life that God has PLanned for me, doing things at my own time and pace :),plenty of rest, shopping and chilling out,
Peanut pancake, seeing children realizing their potential and maximising it.
I DON'T like: to waaste time doing nothing, doing unfruitful and meaningless things

The BarBARians
BayBay Jeremy
Cat roll!
Cheryl the siao
< Emily- Milly cow
Lokies- BLurp!


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